Kamis, November 16, 2017

Applied Linguistic, Sociolinguistic

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Assalamua’laikum readers, today Puze will post about linguistics. Applied linguistic. I have makes an easy summary for you so you will easy to understand or find the point what you needs. Selamat membaca J J
1.      Definition
Sociolinguistic is a branches of linguistic where is focus on socio. Socio it self is elated to human. Human being as being social. Also, in social includes to language, culture, written, and all activity in humans’ life. In human life, social is like a cyrcle where is people have difference way how to join in his/her social. Some people who mysterious person it called introvert, people who called introvert is close from another and only have little friends. In other hand, person who have a lot friends it call extrovert. Extrovert person is easy to socialization with another. Extrovert is smart people who knows what happened in their society , example new comers in the extroverts’ village. The extrovert person have more curiousity about event-event in around them. For this case between extrovert and introvert also we learn in sociolinguistic. In linguistic you will finds in ethnographies where you learn about someone research focus on language and culture in human life or society.

2.      Benefit
When we learn sociolinguistic, we will get the benefits, one of the benefits is we get more knowledge about culture in our society. One of sociolinguistics topic is Ethnography. Ethnography is research or understanding about culture from any perspective of cultural anthropology. In ethnography may be difined as qualitative research proses, where there is methodology as process and product as a result in culture topic. When you makes a research about  culture, the example is your culture, you will get more knowledge about your culture, you will finds some information which maybe you do not know before. Can you imagine, if you try to make research about another culture in Indonesia?? you will know about another culture maybe more the native it self. So, the benefit of sociolingistic, specially for ethnography topic is give the researcher and reader more information or knowledge about a culture which written in linguistic major.

3.      The relation between language and society
The relation of language and society is a study of sociolinguistic. As we know in society itself is begins where language comes. like ocean and beach there is no element could be separated. In the same case with society and language, society products language as a way to express their feeling or idea. Without language, we will difficult to express our idea, we will always misunderstanding each other. If we always misunderstanding we can not socialization in our area or country. If language is exist but we do not socialization, the language will not develop and everybody will life individual, also country will not exist. Our country is exist because someone who call Soekarno said his ideas to fight for Indonesian Independence. He said his ideas with language, of course with adapting to the correct athics of speech. Language is very attached to the speaker’s self. Then language is adapted to the ethics in society around of speaker.

4.      The branches of linguistics
Linguistics is study of language where is concern to human language in universal. In linguistic itself we also analyze theory of the language. The branches of linguistic is pure linguistic and applied linguistic. Pure linguistics includes are phonology, phonetics, semantics, syntax, morphology, Discourse analysis, etc. based on my experience in the class, I will explain the branches in pure linguistic, semantic is my major which I have chosen, in semantic I learn about meaning of sentence in all perspective of object. In biology morphology learn and discuss about structure of plants, but in English I learn about structure of word. Phonology, I learn about how to produce the correct sound in English. Phonetic, I learn about study of physical properties of sounds of human language. In discourse analysis I learn about analyze a topic where is includes to another major then combined two or more major, example Linguistics text but analyze by politic and psychology perspective. Syntax is a study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences.

5.      The standart of language + examples
Standart language comes when certain dialect begins to be used in written form. For the example administrative letter, literature, etc. but, standart language should we distinguish from local dialects. Every language has its local spoken form, even every group in the world has created a standart language. Someone must choose which one dialect will he/she use in the daily life. Standart language comes when society adapted to the modern language or form which popular in  universal. Now, all language or dialect have standart to be popular. But no text that mentioned the standart only non-text. and society makes appointment to put where is they standart to use the dialect a language. So, in Indonesia itself have many standart language depends on the region.

6.      Elaborating the language, dialect, and accent,
·         Language is human ability to communication with another. Languge have many variation in the world. Depends on the geography of the humans.
·         Dialect is variation of language according to speaker. Also, dialect is a regional variety a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary.
·         Accent is a distinctive way of pronunciation a language, especially one associate with particular country or area.

7.      The example of formal and informal language
·         Formal Language : usually used in school situation between student and lecture in the class, member and boss in office, or situation in institution.
a.      Would you mind to help me bring these bags sir?
b.      May I books a table for you, Mrs. Gitom ??
c.       I do hope you will be a teacher someday.
d.      Iam not understand about your presentation today, Ellie.
·         Informal Language : usually used in daily life or converciation between peers.
a.      I dunno about him before you come.
b.      What is up??
c.       I get sick, mom.
d.      They told me a gosssips, and I close my ear with headset of my mobile.

8.      The aspects of sociolinguistic language 
These are aspects of sociolinguistics, are :
a.      Social status
b.      Age and
c.       Gender, of humans.

9.      When 2 or more people from different languages met and try to communicate, they should do :  d. Lingual Franca,

10.   People do switch and mix a language because :
a.      Switching languages because they try to make suitable for the society around them. Example : Indonesian live in America, so the Indonesian switch his/her language to America. (In Indonesia : aku kurang setuju dengan pendapat mu pada diskusi kita hari ini Elliot, but because the Indonesian in America with English as their national language, the Indonesian changes his/her language to English : I disagree about your opinion on our discussion today, Elliot. (Answer number 11. Code Switching)
b.      Mixing language because adapted from another country. Example Indonesian have a close friend from England, the Indonesian will adopt English to make a good combination of communication with his/her friend form England. (I disagree about your pendapat, but, we still can ganti the rencana for besok, kan?? Hehehe.. (answer number 11. : code mixing)

11.   The Answer of number 11 in number 10.

Well, guys thank you so much for visiting my blog, keep bloging, keep spirit J I do hope this blog well help you to easy understand about linguistics.

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