Chips Wak Sanu
Wr.Wb , hello readers meet again with Puze in this Post , in
this Post Puze will use English , so iam sorry if I have a lot mistakes . have
fun ya …. ???? selamat membaca :) :)
I : Women’s Chip
is Women’s Chip Wak Sanu ??
Gubraaakkkk….sreeett ………( batu bergeser ) sura ini
sangat menggoyahkan konsentrasi kami yang sedang belajar di dalam kelas , yaa ,
sangat mengganggu , hahahaha … seperti music di pagi hari yang menggoyahkan focus
seperti bahasa trend jaman kini “ Gagal Fokus “ hehehehhe ,, ada aja cobaan
belajar pagi ni . “ maaf pak saya telat “ kata si Women’s Chip .
When we talking about Women+Chips automatically our
predicting come to Fat women . She names is Riyanti , she is moeslim and she is
not fat but not thin also . she is from Kandis , now she study in Lancang
Kuning University at third semester ( 3 semster ) . She is my classmate , she is smart girl ,
and bussy girl too . I always saw her got call many times in her cellphone ,
she is so bussy , I do not know what she do in out of the class .
Riyanti was born in Kandis , 26 februari 1997 . Blue and
white are her favorite colour . She llikes Satay so much and Water melon juice .
By her favorite colour we know that Riyanti is feminim person who relax and
calm , White is religious symbol . As moeslim Riyanti is religious person ,
everyday she wearing Gamis/Dress and long Hijab . She is not too tall . she has
tan skin . she is from Java . Same like other girl , she likes Doll .
Sometimes she trust a Mitos . Mitos is result something, was
happened in the past time and will happen again in the next day or in the
future , usually is bad result . Such as : “ Don’t sweap the floor at the night
because it will makes you lazy girl “ . By this Mitos we conclude that is sweap
floor in the night will makes you lazy because you always pending your work . “
So do not sweap the floor at the night girl .. “ Riyanti said .
Understand but I Can Not Say It
Riyanti from Java , specially Ngapak . Ngapak is names of
her hometown . Her parents from Ngapak . Her father always using Ngapak
language in their daily communication . But she is not to understand with
Ngapak language because usually she only using Bahasa in her daily ,
eventhought her father using Ngapak language Riyanti still using Bahasa .
Example of Ngapak language “ Lah kiek arep nek dong lah nyong “ . So in her
home , she talk to her father with Bhasa and her fatrher talk with Ngapak . hmm
,,, Unique yaa ???
Is The Best Dream
Best dream ever I hear is become Hafizoh , now she was
memorized from 30 Juz to Annaba’ pages ( from behind pages to first pages ) .
By all of pages , she only like Ar-Rahman pages , it sounds like “ Nikmat Allah
mana lagi yang kamu dustai “ . The meaning of this Pages is Allah ; is symbol
of Loves and Cares to our life . From the pages I understand that Allah is lord
in this world . “ So as people of God , we must obey the commandments so that
we can become a God’s people who obediently “ Riyanti said .
People Nearby and Daily Activity
She have close friend , she names is Siti Nadiroh . She is
from Fakultas Ilmu Budaya ( FIB/Faculty Of Humanity ) . “ She is my close
friend in Islamic mentoring . My best supporter in in this world are first , My
parents , of course because of them I can survive in all of my problem since
Iam in Rumbai , second , MuRobby is my teacher in Islamic Mentoring , I always
ask the solution of my problem with her , the third my close friends “ Riyanti
said .
She lives in Kandis ,
JL. Sultan Syarif Qasim RT 06 RW 06 NO.39 . But now , she stays in Kost
Rumbai , Geso 6 . She spent her Childhood with someone who names Chandra . But
now , “ we are bussy to our activity “ Riyanti said . When she was graduated
from Senior high school or Pondok Pesantren . she never think to takes a
University as continued her study ,but after she thinking about it , she thinks
continued her study in University is important , we get Gelar , more knowledge
, new friends , new experiences , and more understand about life . So many
reason of important to study in university makes Riyanti study until now .
Her activity are private Courses to read Al-Qur’an ,
teaching kids to reading ( kids ) , and study mathematics , hahahaaha…
sometimes she is feel disturbing because many homework need time to finish it ,
but because of Private courses , she have to pending her homework , and
finishing homework with sleepy . Survive to still wake up and finishing the
homework very difficult . But she do it only to finishing her homework .
She get many benefit by her private courses , first , she
can learn how to teaching well by this activity , second she got money extra
for her daily fee , “ it really help me “ Riyanti said . My dream is become a
doctor , but she think trouble come to the money , she have not enough money to
study become a doctor , so she changes her dream become a teacher , her teacher
as motivator of her life ; support her to become a teacher , the teacher see
teacher’s passion in Riyanti so she suggest Riyanti to become a teacher , and
now she study in Faculty of science and education in English Department . her
teacher names is buk Erni sociology lesson .
In my opinion Riyanti is active person , she always repeat
what lecture said . I swear , I do not what happen with her . she always repeat
what lecture said to us , until my classmate bully her in behind her . Iam
netral , I not support in one side I know what is she feel when someone talk
and laught in behind you . I got bully for 6 years ,, and I know what is
Riyanti’s feeling . So far , I saw
Riyanti is strong girl , and I think she will success in the next day . Good
luck Buddy !!! …
II : Riyanti
in Islamic Organinzation
In this university she join in LDK ( LEMBAGA DAWAH KAMPUS )
University of Lancang Kuning focusing on IPMA ( Ikatan Pemuda Masjid Alfatah )
University of Lancang Kuning . In her organization , Riyanty as Leader of
Kaderisasi Da’wah in permanent member and for women’s group , she as leader of
Social Relation . Our activity in this Organization are riding , archery ,
Swimming , Tahsin , shiroh Sahababiah , outbond and Islamic mentoring .
Riyanti very close with her Menthor , she usually calls My
Rabbi , next she close with Ukhti Siti Nadiroh , Ukhti Elvia Suhana , and
Riyanti also close with Ikhwan ( pria ) he is motivator for riyanti , because
of he could analyze Riyanti mistakes . So this guy always give suggestion and
comments about anything to Riyanti . He names is Sabri Firdaus , “ he likes my
brother “ Riyanti said .
, Mom , Chips and My old Motocycle
She have big family ,she have 9 person in one small
house , they are her brother and sister , her parents also . Her father is
farmer , her father usually plant cassava and corn . she got land for farming
from Chevron or PCI ( Pacific Chevron Indonesia ) . The land is dry land , very
dry land ; so only can to plant the cassava or corn . The land does not belong
to her , Chevron only lent it to them . Her father names Mr. Sanu (68) and Mrs.
Salinem .
Little girl riyanti in the past always help her mother
to working , such as deres or ( menggores batang pohon karet ) ,( menggeronndol
mengutis biji sawit ) , and cassava chips homeindustry . Last two months we
have already holiday for 3 months , in our holiday she use for working with her
mom to sell the Cassava Chips . She tell me about progress of cassava chips
like usually she know about it .
“ When I wake up in the morning , I have to wake up
earlier and my mom go to the field to take the cassava , after my mom backs
home , I will cassava peeling skin and makes it cleaned . my mother backs to
working Deres in other field . After my mother back home she cut the cassava
makes it thin or slim . I should imbuiding order so it makes it crispy . Next I
help my mother to fry the cassava and my mother help to make seasoning what
will my mother want to make “ Riyanti said .
“ We need long time to make cassava become chips , in
long progress my mother give me advise to me so I get more support by her . My
mom said to kepp spirit in your study , kepp focusing on you goal . so you can
helps your parents and you should fund your sister school in university , you
will become a real model to your sister , give they support to study in
university like you , give they motivation so they could thinking their future
like you “ Riyanti said .
Daily Activity In the Class
In the class Riyanti is concernt in her course .
Riyanti is diligent students in my class , eventhought she still not understand
with English courses but she never give up to learn more about it . Riyanti
repeat the lecture said : “ if you have special relationship , keep your life
well “ Mr. Kurniawan . by this situation I see Riyanti repeat something
important . ooh ,,, I see her way to learn . it is good way , hmmmm …. You are
Unique Riyanti .
and Rangsang Island
“ I have a chance to visiting Rangsang Island to
Safari Ramadhan . Their purpose to come to Rangsang Island to share Da’wah to moeslims
in Rangsang . They have arrived long journey only to come in Rangsang island .
first way we start in pelabuhan Duku river , next we use speed boat its about
1,5 hour , after that we come to Pelabuhan Perawang , and we have to use bus
for 3 hour , after we use bus to Buton , from Buton we use speed boat again to come Selat Panjang . we need long time to come to rangsang island
we use small ship 30 minutes . After we come to Rangsang island get hospitality
by residents of the Rangsang island “ Riyanti said .
Malay language is used to communication in Rngsang
Island , same like Malaysia , maybe it happen because Rangsang island near by
Malaysia , so their language same like Malaysia . Riyanti it self very like and
interesting with malay language . she enjoy her visiting in Rnagsang island .
In Rangsang Island they use long dress and long hijab in all daily activity . They
are so religious . She miss the moments when in togetherness in Rnagsang Island
“ I hope , I will have a chance to visiting other
island again in the next time . it is best experiences I have . Before I join
this organization I never visiting other island , because I have not enough money
so its imposible for me . But now , Iam happy with new friends and new
experiences . I hopes Allah still give me a chance to life , give happiness to
my family or to my friends , also all people in this world , Ammiiinnn “
Riyanti said .
and Experiences
Setiap perjalanan hidup seorang manusia memiliki
lika-liku yang sangat panjang dan berkesan yang menjadi pengalaman sehingga hal
tersebut menjadi pembelajaran dikemudian harinya . Pengalaman muncul bersamaan
dengan dorongan yang menciptakan pengalaman itu . dorongan ini biasanya muncul
dari kekuatan doa , kesadaran , lingkungan dan orangtua . Dalam hal ini
biasanya seorang anak atau remaja mendapatkan dorongan paling kuat bukanlah
dari orangtua , melainkan dari gurunya disekolah . Remaja umumnya lebih
mendengarkan perkataan gurunya atau temannya diluar rumah , sehingga terkadang
dorongan orangtua tak terlalu berpengaruh padanya , hal inilah yang dialami
Riyanti .
“ Kakak lucu , kakak lucu , hahahahahaa ,,, ( sambil
berlari-lari tak tentu arah /Hiperaktif ) , dia salah satu anak Autis
Hiperaktif , dikelasnya dia sangat suka berlari-lari kesana kemari tak tentu
arah . Sangat sulit mengambil perhatiannya untuk sebentar saja , perlu adanya
pendekatan khusus untuk anak yang mengalami kekurangan seperti anak ini . Namun
, dibalik kelemahannya itu , anak ini sangatlah pintar , dia mamppu
menyelesaikan soal Matematik dengan cepat , meskipun tidak sepenuhnya benar ,
70% adalah skor nilai yang mampu dia raih setelah menyelesaikan soal matematika
. Hebat ,, kekurangannya bukanlah halangan berarti baginnya .
is My Reason
Ridwan , dia adalah seorang anak hiperaktif yang sangat
Riyanti sayang , semangat belajarnya membuat Riyanti untuk ingin terus mengajar
, Ridwan ini menjadi tantangan Riyanti didalam kelas , tapi sebagai seorag guru
Riyanti sangat menikmati perannya menjadi seorang guru . Seharusnya Ridwan
sekolah ditempat untuk anak-anak khusus . Salah satu alasan orangtua tidak
memasukkan anak didiknya didalam lingkungan sekolah yang khusus / Sekolah luar
biasa adalah karna orangtuanya tidak ingin anaknya terpengaruh oleh
lingkungannya yang berada disekkitar anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus .
Salah , bila memaksakan anak berkebutuhan khusus masuk
kedalam lingkungan sekolah anak yang tidak berkebutuhan khusus / normal . Karena
anak yang berkebutuhan khusus sangat membutuhkan lingkungan yang mampu
mengajarkannya hal-hal sepele bagi anak normal tapi menjadi hal “ Luar Biasa “
bagi mereka . Contoh hal-hal sulit itu adalah Kesulitan dalam focus terhadap
satu hal , atau bersikap tenang hanya untuk sebentar , tidak bisa menggunakan
sensor motoric dengan baik , tidak bisa makan dengan benar , tidak bisa
menggunakan sendok , tidak bisa berlari pada satu arah , bahkan ada diantara
anak berkebutuhan khusus ini tidak mengerti cara mengunyah suatu makanan dalam
mulutnya .
You Feel It ?? Bully
Dalam setiap kesulitan ini seorang anak berkebutuhan
khusus membutuhkan seorang guru yang benar-benar memberikan perhatian penuh
secara optimal dan “continue “/terus-menerus . Coba bayangkan , apabila seorang
anak kebutuhan khusus masuk atau belajar dalam lingkungan normal maka mereka
akan kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan dirinya terhadap lingkungan . Bully sering
terjadi dalam lingkungan sekolah anak normal , sayangnya korbannnya adalah
anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus . Apa orangtua tidak merasakannya ?? kesedihan
mereka ?? mereka di bully disekolahnya karena tidak mampu menyesuaikan diri
dengan lingkungan , mereka di bully karna tidak bisa berdiam diri di kelasnya ,
mereka dibully karena tidak bisa berbicara normal , mereka di bully karena
tidak bisa mengerti hal-hal sepele . Bayangkanlah perasaan sedih itu mereka
alami setiap hari .
Tapi tidak , Orangtua banyak yang tidak sadar dengan
memasukkan anaknya kedalam lingkungan sekolah anak normal ,malah akan
menghancurkan mental sianak . Para orangtua berfikiran apabila memasukkan
anaknya kedalam sekolah normal mereka bisa membuat anak mereka memiliki sikap
seperti anak normal . Pola fikiran primitive ini , benar-benar akan
menghancurkan anak berkebutuhan khusus ini .
Up Mom
Saya sangat perihatin kejadian seperti ini sering
terjadi di sekitar kita . Perlu adanya kesadaran dari orangtua apabila ingin
mendidik anaknya untuk menjadi seperti anak normal umumnya , apabila mengikuti
langkah-langakah seperti : menempatkan pada lingkungan sekolah yg sesuai (
sekolah luar biasa ) , memberikan terapi sensorik motoric yang tepat setiap
hari , saya yakin mental dari anak tersebut akan menjadi semakin kuat dan kokoh
hampir seperti anak normal , meskipun tidak bisa mencapai ambang “anak Normal “
namun , melihat anak kita yang awalnya tidak bisa diam( hiperaktif ) menjadi
anak yang sudah bisa diam( tenang ) merupakan sebuah pencapaian yang sangat
bagus dan membanggakan . Setidaknya kita sudah mengurangi segala kekurangan
sianak dengan optimal .
and Give , Thankyou Kakak ..
Ridwan ini mendapatkan dorongan untuk terus mengejar
mimpinya menjadi seorang pelukis dari Riyanti . pada awalnya Ridwan ingin
menjadi seorang polisi seperti ayahnya , namun , mengingat kondisinya yang
tidak memungkinkan maka Riyanti mencoba untuk memberikan Ridwan cita-cita alternative
lainnya seperti menjadi seorang Pelukis , Ridwan sangat pandai dalam melukis , “
Kenapa tidak menjadi seorang pelukis saja Ridwan ?? “ Kata Riyanti . Dan
akhirnya Ridwan pun mulai mengembangkan dan terus mengasah bakat melukisnya setiap
ada kelas melukis .
Ridwan mendapatkan perhatian penuh oleh Riyanti sehingga
Ridwan mampu mengembangkan kelebihannya yakni melukis dengan baik , guru
seperti riyanti benar-benar guru yang sangat hebat , dia mampu mengajar anak
berkebutuhan khusus didalam kelasnya dengan tidak membeda-bedakan sikapnya .
Sikap seperti ini tidak semua dimiliki oleh semua guru , hanya sebagian guru lah
yang mampu melakukan hal ini . Hingga kini Ridwan semakin mengasah kemampuan
melukisnya dengan banyak mengikuti Lomba-lomba melukis di sekitar tempat
tinggalnya .
~The End~
Readers if you reade this Biography , you will find
many benefit ; there are you known someone well eventhought you never meet her
, learn about journey in someone’s life , understand about life by someone life
story . In life we get many problem that makes our journeys difficult . But ,
never give up to your problem , just relax , calm down , try best of you , I trust
you can finish it .
Okay readers thank you so much for reading Puze
posting , I hope you get benefit by this post , have nice day readers :) :) Assalamua’laikum
Assalamu'alaikum :)
BalasHapusTrimakasih kak dela..
Pemilihan judul nya keren trus bahasa nya mudah di pahami trus the best lh buat kakak :*
Assalamu'alaikum :)
BalasHapusTrimakasih kak dela..
Pemilihan judul nya keren trus bahasa nya mudah di pahami trus the best lh buat kakak :*
walaikum salam carchicy , makasiaa dek comment nya , sering sering berkunjung yaa dek :) Assalamua'laikum
BalasHapuswalaikum salam carchicy , makasiaa dek comment nya , sering sering berkunjung yaa dek :) Assalamua'laikum
BalasHapusdella when i was already read , i got motivation about her . she is name riyanti . i new know about her got have many problems, her keep spirit or never give up ! i try from now for keep spirit eventhough it's very difficult .:) thanks della :*
BalasHapusBest comman ever Mike , thank you so much Mike , keep be readet in my post :)
BalasHapusThe cassave chips girl
BalasHapushm hm hm cerita yang menarik. . sepertinya ada bakat nih admin buat jadi penulis. ntar kalau buat novel atau cerita lain jgn lupa kirim karynya yaa.. ditunggu loh. keep spirit admin.
BalasHapusMakasiaa siti rafiah :)
BalasHapusMakasiaa siti rafiah :)