Rabu, Oktober 04, 2017

Definition Language, Dialect and Variety

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Assalamua’laikum Wr.Wb,

Hello readers, how are you?? Extreme weather was happened in Pekanbaru. Last two days ago, pekanbaru feel so hot but today, October 4th 2017 I feel so cold. Unstabil temperature could make us sick. So keep health !! here I share to you some information about Language, Dialectss and Varietis. Let’s read J J
Disscussion Presented by Group 2, with the title :”Language Dialects and Variaties”, taught by Mrs. Destina Karyati, M.pd.
Member of Group 2 : Susi Lestari, Dikky Fradana, Fenny Dwi Yanti.


a.    Language
                        Hudson (1996, p. 22) defines a variety of language as ‘a set of linguistic items with similar distribution, a definition that allows us to say that all of the following are varieties: Canadian English, London English, the English of football commentaries, and so on. According to Hudson, this definition also allows us ‘to treat all the languages of some multilingual speaker, or community, as a single variety, since all the linguistic items concerned have a similar social distribution.’ A variety can therefore be something greater than a single language as well as something less. less even than something traditionally referred to as a dialect. 
                        The terms of variety language are emerged due to different systems reflecting different varieties of the human condition. Variety is a specific set of ‘linguistic items’ or ‘human speech patterns’ (presumably, sounds, words, grammatical features, etc.) which we can connect with some external factor apparently, a geographical area or a social group (Hudson, 1996; Ferguson, 1972 and Wardhaugh, 2006). Languages can be at variance in lexical, grammatical, phonological and other ways depends on different social, geographical and other circumstances determine what elements will be needed and, therefore developed, and for that reason sociolinguistics believe that such unique sets of items or patterns do exist.

b.    Dialects

Dialect divided into two : 1. Regional dialect 2. Socio language.
1.    Regional dialect
                  Certain differences from geographical area one to another in pronunciation, in the selecting and constructing of words, and in syntax of a language such distinctive varieties of local variety are called regional dialects (Wardhough, 2006). The study that investigates different varieties on the basis of clusters of similar and different features in particular regions, towns or villages is called regional dialectology (Edward, 2009). It is quite interesting that the discriminations respondents make in exercises like the Map drawing task and the accent-ordering task are often similar to the discriminations linguists make between varieties. Dialect–patois distinction is Patois is usually used to describe only rural forms of speech; we may talk about an urban dialect, but to talk about an urban patois. Patois also seems to refer only to the speech of the lower strata in society; again, we may talk about a middle-class dialect but not, apparently, about a middle-class patois. Finally, a dialect usually has a wider geographical distribution than a patois.
2.    Socio language
                  Social dialect is difference speech associate with various social groups. Social dialects create among social groups and are related to a variety of factors such as social class, religion, and ethnicity. In India, for example, caste is one of the clearest of all social differentiators. Branch of linguistic study that linguistically city characterized is called social dialectology.
                  Ethnic group in USA AAVE (African American Vernacular English), also known as Ebonics, Black English (BE), Black English Vernacular (BEV) show hyper corrective tendencies in that they tend to overdo certain imitative behaviors freely use the habitual form of misapplication rules. Hyper correction is the overgeneralization of linguistic forms which carry obvious social prestige often through the misapplication of rules (e.g. allows deletion ‘They are going’ can become ‘They going’and dog pronounce as the vocal of book : dug).

c.    Variaties
In sociolinguistics a variety, also called a lect, is a specific form of a language or language cluster. This may include languagesdialectsregistersstyles or other forms of language, as well as a standard variety.[1] The use of the word "variety" to refer to the different forms avoids the use of the term language, which many people associate only with the standard language, and the term dialect, which is often associated with non-standard varieties thought of as less prestigious or "correct" than the standard.[2] Linguists speak of both standard and non-standard varieties. "Lect" avoids the problem in ambiguous cases of deciding whether or not two varieties are distinct languages or dialects of a single language.
at the level of the lexicon, such as slang and argot, is often considered in relation to particular styles or levels of formality (also called registers), but such uses are sometimes discussed as varieties as well.

a.    Language : is a way to communication with person and another person.
b.    Dialects : style, java dialect, eventhough they talk with another language, but the style of way to speak is differences and intonation will heard like java intonation.
c.    Variaties : particular styles

Question : Section 1 :

a.    By Mike  
Suggestion : your presenting is good.
Social dialect mention that sociolect related to social background than geographical Background. Why just related to the social background??
b.    By Ratna : show me more examples and the main differencies of regional social dialect
c.    By Asep : Please explained about the differencies of language and dialect

Answer :

a.    By TM To Asep
Because of dialect we can understand easier about what people mean or say. So that is the differences of language and Dialect based on function.

b.    By Desi to mike  
Geographical back. It’s related about regional where we born . socio back. We move to the another regional(minangness) and then we move again to java(socio back.), we get many effect of socio background. Of course, we will forget our regional back. Because of socio back.

c.    By Fenny to Asep
Based 2 base concept lingutual and inteligenbility,  language is a way from many region to communication. Whatever language, minangness, java, and another. Language only one. Dialect have many differend between regional, include intonation, the way dialect is produces, and other.

Question : Section 2 :

a.    By Desi
At pages 28 in our course book, language and dialect is ambiguous term. So what is mean??
b.    TM
How can language have many differenceses, example language a country different to another country?
Answer : Section 2

a.    By Dela to Desi
No one really knows what is language real mean. Sometimes language have ambigu meaning. Example : Iam fine, means someon still in good condition or good feeling. But in Fact, Iam fine is not always means okay, but also, something wrong happened with someone’s feeling. By that case, we see that language and dialect is ambiguous.

b.    By Dela to Tm
Eventhough language born from agreement between humans. But. In the past (long long time ago) we have no ability to conneted to another island. Because of that they makes their agreement language with their clans.

References :

Definition of language, retrieved on October 4th 2017
               From : https://ahlanfirdaus.wordpress.com/2014/03/30/146/

Definition Variety, Retrieved on October 4th 2017
               From : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variety_(linguistics)

Definition Dialect, Retrieved on October 4th 2017

Simply Information :
*Language is devided to dialect and accent
*vocab, grammar are dialect
*pronunciation is accent

Conclusion : i concludes this disscussion is Language a country to another is difference because of agreement in the past until now. dialect is an identity of a clans to another (pronunciation). Accent is intonation to the language. 

Assalamua’laikum readers, how is your day?? Pekanbaru is wet right now. I think puze in rainy days J who wants join with me to play under of rain?? J J hahahaha…. Thank you for visiting my blog.