Rabu, September 27, 2017

Introduction to Sociolinguistic 1

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Assalamua’laikum, Wr.Wb. hello, Readers, long time not post. Sorry readers, because, puze have a full of schedule. But now, Puze posted conclusion of discussion Sociolinguistics. Here we go!!
A.   Disscussion presented by Group 1: September 27th 2017, Wednesday. Taught by Mrs. Destina Kasriyati, M.pd.
Member : Asri Laraswati  
TM Ridhani
Shella Safhira

B.   Topic : Intro. To Sociolinguistic

When we study languages, we often focus on the language itself. The grammar, the vocabulary, the pronunciation, and so on. Sociolinguistics, however, give you the chance to look at the context within which the language is spoken rather than the mechanics of the language itself.
In essence, the study of language and its relationship to culture and to society is known as sociolinguistics.* Although it may sound like an intimidating term that belongs the academic realm (as I mentioned earlier), every language learner should have some awareness of sociolinguistics. Even if it’s just understanding what it is without actually knowing the term for it.
Why? Because language, in many ways, is a social concept.
Language grew out the human need to communicate and interact. Understanding that it is social by nature, allows you to more effective use your language. Sociolinguistics focus on the social spaces that languages occupy – a topic that the field of linguistics typically kept in the background. It is the effort to understand the way that social dynamics are affected by individual and/or group language use, variations in language and varying attitudes towards language. A few examples would be:
  • Studying the differences between the ways men and women speak
  • How teens or children speak
  • How different social classes communicate
  • Dialects and how they influence one another
C.   Question :
1.    By Siti R. : socialinguitics methods, apa pengaruh dari aksen dan dialek  terhadap sociolinguistic ? jelaskan! (kenapa Aksen dan Dialek dikategorikan kepada sociolinguistic??)
2.    By Hot Diana : two types sociolinguistic and sociology of language. Give example of these two type sociolinguistic!!
3.    By Febty : other importance concept. Apa bedanya accent and dialek !!
D.   Answer :
1.    By TM. Ridhani to Febty’s Question :
Accent dan Dialek : sama sama menunjukkan gaya bahasa, perbedaan ada pada penggunaannya. Cth : org kota dan Desa. Dikota lebih kurang sopan, didesa : lebih sopan pengungkapannya. Cth : Orang kaya dan miskin, Orang kaya : cenderung sombong. Accent : dibedakan dari wilayah, tdk formal. Dialek : lebih formal.
*Tambahan nabil : Dialek = lebih kepada geografis, cth = melayu daratan “kemana=kemane” melayu pesisir = kemano.
*Tambahan By Dela : accent irama berbicara yang dimiliki sekelompok orang dalam cakupan yang luas, sperti accent antar Negara. Seperti dialek : irama berbicara yang dimiliki sekolompok orang dalam cakupan yang kecil seperti suku-suku yang ada dalam suatu Negara.
2.    By shela to Hot Diana’s Question: contoh sociolinguistic : converciation biasa yang dipakai, seperti bahasa Indonesia dlm kehidupan social. Contoh Sociolanguage = bahasa slang yang dipopularkan sekelompok kecil orang. (bahasa slang)
3.    By Asri to Siti Rafiah’s Question : karena Terdapat variasi bahsa yang berdasarkan wilayah/regional yang menggunakan bahasa sehingga mencerminkan accent dan dialek didalamnya.

E.   Kesimpulan : So, All related to the language there is Sociolinguistic. Even slang, formal language also sociolinguistic, it is Puze’s Opinion. #Correct #Me #If #I #Wrong #CMIIW.
Well, thank you so much for visiting Puze’s Blog, keep reading and never lose your passion to read !! Cherrio!!!!!!

F.    Other References :

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