Jumat, Desember 30, 2016

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Sumatera Tiger and how to Protect them??

The tiger is an animal belonging to the animal Filum Chordata( having a spinal cord ), Subfilum Verbrata ( Vertebrate ), Class mammals ( warm-blooded, hairy and glandular milk ), carnivore, including to cat’s family ( Felidae ), genus Panthera, also including to species tigris. The tiger is the second fastest cat in the world, after citah. In all carnivores, tiger is the third biggest carnivore cat, after Polar bear and brown bear. Tiger size even larger than lions. So, if appropriate carnivorous tiger into the third largest in the world.  

Usually, tigers will hunt large prey size such as deer, antelope, and pigs, but not infrequently tiger, also hunt small animals such as hedgehogs and fish when prey size difficult to obtain. One of strengths of the tiger is like to swim. In Sumatra, the tigers life with humans, because human kept approaching and disrupt their residence, so that the tigers often manifest themselves to the residents aound when the tigers hunt.

There are various type of tiger in the world they are Bengal tiger and Sumatera tiger. Riau province is home to one third of the entire population of sumatera tigers. However, although protected by law, the tiger population hass declined by 70% in last quarter century. In 2007, only an estimated 192 tigers left in wild Sumatera province of Riau. One cause of the rapid reduction in the numberof tigers due to tiger killing which manifest themselves in humans when humans farming region of the tiger.

In 2004, the Indonesian government declared the Tesso Nilo important area as national park that is safe for existence of the Sumateran tiger. In addition to Indonesia several ASEAN countries also undertake similar effort to protect the tiggers. But, in ASEAN countries, they try to protect the tigers by join in an international convention.

Several ASEAN countries have started to undertake efforts to protect the tigers as protected animal. Setting on the international tiger conservation in the world, can be divided into 3 parts. Some Seting on the international tiger conservation are International agreement relating to tiger conservation are convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 1973 ( CITES ), Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 ( CBD ), Convention Concerning the protection of The World Cultural And Natural Haritage 1972 ( World Haritage Convention ) and ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resouurces 1985.

** Thankyou **

Okay readers, sampai disini dulu ya pembicaraan kita mengenai Harimau Sumatera dan cara melindungi mereka. Semoga readers mendapatkan informasi dan sedikit ilmu dari postingan Puze yang telah readers baca tadi. Assalamua’laikum readers… 

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